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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Embodying Friendliness: A Weekend Retreat for POC, Insight Out Sanghas* and Allies - With Kate Johnson and Pascal Auclair

“Simply to fall in love, when you have historically been denied love, the right to just connect to the body which you have chosen and that has chosen you, means that an act of love is not only revolutionary, it’s not only transcendent, but it is the deific.”
— Junot Diaz, in conversation with Krista Tippett

In this weekend meditation retreat, we will practice loving awareness: not just of “the” body, but of OUR bodies: our actual, specific, and very real bodies. Our bodies, as sensory organs, as vehicles of creative expression, as vessels of love, as agents of action, and as landscapes that evidence change.

We will also explore mindfulness of our collective, social bodies — our felt sense of the social fields we belong to, based on identity, shared history, or lived experience. Through loving ourselves whole, through connecting with community, we can heal not only ourselves, but also our ancestors and our descendants.

This special event is for Black, Indigenous and People of Color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, women and femmes, survivors, Allies and anyone looking to learn how the Buddha’s teachings might help us address the impacts of internalized oppression.

For us, practicing loving awareness is a revolutionary act. In stillness and in movement. On our own, and together. In silence and in dialogue.

Embodying friendliness is an expression of freedom.

2018-06-16 (2 days) New York Insight Meditation Center

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2018-06-17 Sunday pm 02 - Kate Johnson 42:43
Pascal Auclair
2018-06-17 Sunday pm 03 - brief-concluding-remarks 5:02
Pascal Auclair
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