Awareness is the foundation of kindness – kindness is the expression of awareness.
Awareness and kindness are essential and beautiful qualities of an awakened life. Mindful awareness leads to clarity, understanding, and insight. Love allows us to meet life’s challenges with compassionate care. Together, they support a kind and wise embrace of ourselves, each other, and life.
In this silent retreat, we will discover how these qualities are intimately related and mutually supportive. We will explore how they are necessary in any journey of awakening, and in learning to live wisely and kindly.
We will cultivate awareness through mindfulness meditations and develop a compassionate orientation through heart-opening practices and attitudes. We will inquire into what obstructs the heart, and what hinders us from being fully present and awake in the moment. Teachings will focus on the integration of love and awareness, cultivating a mindfulness practice that is infused with a kind, receptive presence. |