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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

We’ll create a space of ease and support for LGBTQAI+ people to cultivate mindfulness, kindness, and wisdom through insight meditation. Sharing silence and meditative space with community allows us to make greater peace with ourselves and our lives, one moment at a time. While listening to the teachings of wisdom and compassion and mindfully sitting, walking, eating, and resting, liberating insights arise and clarity and freedom are gained. We can learn to find an ever-deepening sense of well-being, touching joy, and fostering the heart's release. We practice in this way both for our own benefit and for the benefit of others.

2024-09-03 (6 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2024-09-04 Starting from scratch 47:16
Pascal Auclair
How remarkable it is that mindfulness helps us investigate reality and how we relate to it starting from the Building Blocks of our experience
2024-09-05 Relating to strong emotions 60:24
Pascal Auclair
A talk, a guided meditation and Q&A
2024-09-06 Feeling tone – cracking the code of reality. Learning about "vedana" pleasant, unpleasant, neutral our habitual reactivity to each, and practices to be free. 59:14
Anushka Fernandopulle
2024-09-06 Lessening suffering 54:21
Pascal Auclair
Ways mindfulness can help lessen afflictive emotions.
2024-09-07 Fabrications of Mind – a Refuge? 58:51
Pascal Auclair
Instructions and stories and mind creations followed by meditation and Q&A
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