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Retreat Dharma Talks

Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge

In these times of great challenge, we will be focusing on developing the Four Brahma Viharas (kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and evenness) and Earth based practices for connection and healing.

2024-07-23 (6 days) Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara

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2024-07-26 How Can We Tap into the Liberating Potential of the Way Things Are? 25:30
Ayya Santacitta
Reflection on the four aspects to the cultivation of the 7 Factors of Awakening
2024-07-28 Sense Making = When Cognition & Sensing Happen Together 36:45
Ayya Santacitta
2024-07-28 Transformation of the Heart 50:13
Ayya Anandabodhi
A guided meditation on transforming the patterns of the heart through cultivating metta.
2024-07-28 Guided Meditation on the Four Divine Abidings 43:53
Ayya Anandabodhi
A Guided meditation through metta, karuna, mudita, upekkha.
2024-07-28 The More-Than-Human World Has Our Back Every Moment 47:24
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation on Engaging with a Plant Ally and Exploring a Question from within the Web of Life. Please sit outside or near a window or have a potted plant close to you.
2024-07-28 Stepping Outside the Box of the Current Cultural Paradigm 20:20
Ayya Santacitta
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