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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

The Liberating Breath

In this retreat, we practise different approaches to mindfulness of breathing, drawing on the Buddha’s teaching of the Anapanasati Sutta. We explore how the breath can be a doorway to liberating insights into the impermanence of body, feelings and states of mind. There are also teachings on how the breath can support us in our everyday lives to find compassionate responses to personal and collective challenges. The retreat includes brief periods of optional mindful movement.

2025-01-16 (5 days) Gaia House

2025-01-16 Opening Talk for The Liberating Breath Retreat 62:29
Jake Dartington, Bernat Font
2025-01-17 Freedom Needs Roots - on Mindfulness of Breathing 44:29
Bernat Font
2025-01-18 Suggestions of Practicing with the Breath 57:17
Bernat Font
2025-01-18 Dharma Talk 49:39
Jake Dartington
Reflections on freedom
2025-01-19 The Availability of Freedom 49:08
Bernat Font
Reflections on Ajahn Buddhadasa's teachings
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