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Retreat Dharma Talks

Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties

In Buddhist practice, confidence, energy, mindfulness, collectedness and insight are cultivated together as the five spiritual faculties (Indriya). These qualities exist naturally in the mind and have both a linear and dynamic interplay. By developing them in meditation practice, we more clearly understand what needs balancing in both our meditation and overall spiritual cultivation.

When all five faculties are brought to fulfilment they overflow in the heart’s release. A heart released from suffering and its causes has an embodied realisation of Nibbāna: freedom from the stress inherent in misunderstanding the world.

2025-02-21 (10 days) Te Moata Retreat Center

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2025-02-21 01 reflection: Entering into the retreat, trusting our inner knowing 11:50
Willa Thaniya Reid
2025-02-21 02 meditation: Settling and steadying through the sense doors 17:54
Willa Thaniya Reid
2025-02-22 03 meditation: Arriving more fully here 36:29
Jill Shepherd
Settling in to the body sitting, breathing, balancing the overall energy through the rhythm of breathing in and out Closing with short instructions for maintaining continuity of mindfulness
2025-02-22 04 talk: Taking the Refuges and Precepts 37:13
Jill Shepherd
Introducing the five indriya, focusing on the first one, confidence or trust, and how taking refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and committing to the five precepts helps strengthen inner confidence
2025-02-23 05 meditation: Mindfulness of the body and physical sensations 30:33
Jill Shepherd
2025-02-23 06 instructions and meditation: Coming into embodiment as an antidote to mental proliferation 41:38
Willa Thaniya Reid
2025-02-23 07 talk: Effort and Energy 34:16
Willa Thaniya Reid
2025-02-24 08 instructions and meditation: Practising with right intention 48:01
Willa Thaniya Reid
2025-02-24 09 meditation: Opening to sound 39:01
Jill Shepherd
2025-02-24 10 talk: Five Hindrances 29:28
Jill Shepherd
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