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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Noble Mind, Fearless Heart

The theme of this retreat will be “Noble Mind, Fearless Heart.” The retreat will offer us time to further our discipleship in nobility — to develop the path to awakening by growing in peace, kindness, wisdom, and compassion. Fearless in the good, we learn to forgive, purify the heart, and heal. This is our birthright. The heart is our monastery, and skillful living, our core practice.

2024-10-13 (7 days) Madison Insight Meditation Group

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2024-10-13 A Ministry of Love 28:01
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-13 Gratitude is Grace 18:22
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-14 Compassion Works 26:56
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-14 Many Postures Standing in Awareness 10:27
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-14 Eye of the Storm 28:01
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-15 At Home With the Wise 24:05
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-15 A Meal of Gratitude 3:57
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-15 A Beam of Light, Guided Standing Meditation 7:36
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-15 Present Moment Awareness is the Path 19:06
Ayya Medhanandi
2024-10-15 The Universe Within Us 18:07
Ayya Medhanandi
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