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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Marcia Rose's Dharma Talks
Marcia Rose
I find teaching to be a very deep and powerful "no self" practice. When I connect with others during Dharma talks--in the intimacy of small groups, and while holding meditation practice interviews--I am continually reminded to know, and be, in a place of clarity, spaciousness and immediate presence. Being able to offer students such a place of connection is my greatest pleasure and inspiration, as well as the most appreciated challenge in my teaching practice.
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2014-02-08 Metta: The Heart’s Release 1:19:06
Mountain Hermitage The Heart’s Release with Marcia Rose and Winnie Nazarko
2014-02-07 Marcia Rose and Winnie Nazarko: Opening Talk 1:14:07
Mountain Hermitage The Heart’s Release with Marcia Rose and Winnie Nazarko
2014-01-31 Through the Looking Glass – The Reality of Not-Self 63:03
It's a heavy load to carry our 'self' around…the myriad permutations of our thoughts (all the hopes and fears), the feelings, opinions, perceptions and beliefs…believing that they are 'mine, 'me, 'myself. When we begin to taste the truth of 'not-self' , often there is a feeling of great relief. Therein lies the potential for peace of mind. This Dhamma talk includes two short guided meditations.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2014-01-24 Equanimity 67:31
Equanimity is the equipoise…the balance or equilibrium between the opposing forces in the mind of the desired and the undesired. It is that point of balance in the middle of the see-saw of life and is based on a clear presence of mind. Two insights that are the basis of equanimity are the understanding of karma and insight into the nature of not-self. Both of these understandings are explored in this talk in relationship to equanimity.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2014-01-17 Metta-– The Heart's Release. 67:03
There is a great release of the contractions of the heart... the past pains, hurts and anguish that we've taken in and taken on as "mine", "me", as"I am". It it's not so easy to relinquish these habituated patterns of our-self. Our commitment to our practice and willingness to take the journey is what affords the transformation. Not so easy at times, but well worth it.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2013-12-21 Practice here and there. Practice Everywhere 65:09
Closing talk - A reflection of the many ways that life and practice in a retreat setting supports and protects life in a larger world outside of the retreat setting.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wise Concentration: Steadying the Mind
2013-12-18 Wise Concentration 66:50
Exploring the purifying and beautiful current of concentration/Samatha...the teachings current of concentration/Samatha...the teachings and the practice. ...the basis, the process and the fruits of concentration.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wise Concentration: Steadying the Mind
2013-09-27 Through The Looking Glass-The Reality of No-Self 59:24
Through the looking-glass of the Dharma – looking in the mirror at myself, looking at myself looking in the mirror at myself…seeing the truth of ‘self’ – looking at myself in the mirror. Only by training oneself again and again in sensing, seeing and knowing the presently arisen thoughts, sense door experiences, feelings, mind states and perceptions as mere impersonal processes, can the power of deeply-rooted egocentric thoughts, habits and self-centered inclinations be loosened and relinquished. It’s through the actual direct experiential confrontation with the fact of ‘impersonality’ that we come to know ‘not-self’…’no-self’. And then for a moment or two, it’s not all about ME. For a moment the heart/the mind is free.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2013-09-20 Compassion - The Heart Beat Of The Buddha's Teaching 1:10:31
We experience compassion as the trembling, the quivering of the heart in response to suffering…ours or that of another being. The aim of compassion practice is to gently turn the heart/mind towards suffering and then with understanding and courage open to and move towards the alleviation of suffering…with recognition, acceptance and respect in relationship to our limitations at any given time. This talk explores compassion through many different stories.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2013-09-18 Spiritual Urgency – Samvega 58:53
What brings us to spiritual practice? What has moved, inspired and urged you to find a clear and wholesome ‘other way’ than feeling overrun with old reactive habit patterns of sadness, fear, attachment, anger, and confusion.? Samvega is the movement of the heart/an inner response towards an urgency to practice and an urgency to awaken.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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