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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Pascal Auclair's Dharma Talks
Pascal Auclair
Pascal Auclair has been immersed in Buddhist practice and study since 1997, sitting retreats in Asia and America with revered monastics and lay teachers. He has been mentored by Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, where he is now enjoying teaching retreats. Pascal teaches in North America and in Europe. His depth of insight, classical training, and creative expression all combine in a wise and compassionate presence. In addition, his warmth and humour make Pascal a much appreciated teacher.
2014-06-13 Dharma Practice in the Context of the Great Turning 52:05
True North Insight Awakening the Political Body: Integrating Embodied Vipassana Practice in a World that Needs Our Engagement
2014-06-11 L'incapacité qu'ont les choses de nous satisfaire 58:31
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-06-04 Quand la conscience s'intéresse à la conscience 51:19
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-05-28 Survol de l'enseignement et de la pratique des dernières semaines 40:52
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-05-06 The Emotional Body 46:54
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in the Body
2014-04-30 Enseignement et méditation partiellement guidée 57:45
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-04-23 Manipuler la réalité ou la recevoir avec compassion 34:54
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-04-23 Instructions et méditation guidée, de la manipulation à la réception 29:24
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-03-20 Il était une fois le petit Siddharta 49:21
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks
2014-03-19 Mudita 29:15
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

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