Tina Rasmussen, Ph.D., began meditating at age 13, and has practiced in the Theravada and Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 30+ years. In 2003, she completed a year-long solo retreat, and was later ordained as a Buddhist nun and authorized to teach by Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw. Tina has been studied by Yale Neuroscience Lab, and is the co-author of Practicing the Jhanas, as well as several books on human potential, and works with students worldwide. For more info visit LuminousMindSangha.com.
This free dharma talk is the third in a series on the "7 Factors of Awakening," which are factors that what we nurture and develop on the path of awakening, as well as being descriptors of the awakened state. Tina gives a series of three talks on the "7 Factors," providing practical descriptions of how to cultivate and recognize these factors in our practice, and in daily life.
This free dharma talk is the second in a series on the "7 Factors of Awakening," which are factors that what we nurture and develop on the path of awakening, as well as being descriptors of the awakened state. Tina gives a series of three talks on the "7 Factors," providing practical descriptions of how to cultivate and recognize these factors in our practice, and in daily life.
This free dharma talk is the first in a series on the "7 Factors of Awakening," which are factors that what we nurture and develop on the path of awakening, as well as being descriptors of the awakened state. Tina gives a series of three talks on the "7 Factors," providing practical descriptions of how to cultivate and recognize these factors in our practice, and in daily life.
This talk explores Bikkhu Bodhi's advice to "take stock of ourselves," by exploring our relationship to the three "Personality Patterns" of Buddhism (also known as the Defilements.) Tina then relates these three patterns to the Inner Triangle of the Enneagram, and provides and overview of how to use the Enneagram as it was intended--as a spiritual tool, rather than just another way to be identified with the personality.
This dharma talk delves into material not often discussed by dharma teachers, as part of Tina's series on Embodiment. Content includes: the types of psychological material we can encounter and how they are different; the two basic ways to work with psychological material in one's practice; ways to use traditional Buddhist meditations, "off the cushion" to deepen our practice.