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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Leela Sarti's Dharma Talks
Leela Sarti
Leela Sarti has been a student of the Buddha's teachings and practices since she was 16 years old. She lives with her family in Sweden and in addition to teaching Insight Meditation retreats internationally works individually with students in her psychotherapy practice in Stockholm. She is a long term student of the Diamond Approach and part of a teacher training program in that tradition.
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2011-12-03 Presence and the Radiance of Mind 61:30
Gaia House Embodied Presence
2011-12-02 Embodying Presence - Opening to Dukkha 57:26
Gaia House Embodied Presence
2011-12-01 Opening Talk for Embodied Presence Retreat 56:06
Gaia House Embodied Presence
2011-10-27 Silence 56:59
Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translations, says Rumi. Beyond the experience of deficient, negative silence in our lives, when the mind and heart becomes quiet and at times completely still and clean, we are pointed directly to the truth of our being. In the silence of all things the grooves and tendencies of the habitual mind stand out in vivid colour. In silence there is a falling away of name, form and self.
Gaia House Embodying the Awakened Heart
2011-10-25 Awakening the Human Heart 41:11
To truly embrace the intensity of our longing and sorrow, our hopes and fears, to be present and open as we are impacted by our past, and to live with inner ground and freedom in the midst of the joys and sorrows of the world, what is is needed is a great heart, but a also a human heart. Do we know the true capacity of our heart?
Gaia House Embodying the Awakened Heart
2011-10-23 Spark of Awakening 54:39
All human endeavors take some effort, but what is a balanced effort and from what place of our being does it originate? We can train the mind to respond appropriately, to be balanced here and now, but it is never a fixed position. We know what being out of balance feels like. What supports the open ease and wholehearted capacity of inner balance? How can we step out of our own way, so the effort in practice becomes effortless?
Gaia House Embodying the Awakened Heart
2011-10-22 Opening Talk for Embodying the Awakened Heart Retreat 67:27
This talk also includes Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Embodying the Awakened Heart
2010-10-28 Inner Radiance 54:42
A talk about our innate goodness and the natural radiance of the mind; loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. The talk reflects on relationships and living with integrity.
Gaia House Awakening the Heart
2010-10-27 Loving Kindness Guided Meditation 35:49
Gaia House Awakening the Heart
2010-10-26 Desire and the Sacred Impulse 46:04
There is more to desire than suffering. Can we make a gradual change in how we relate to desire, without rejecting our vitality but with a capacity to tolerate the inevitable failure of all grasping?
Gaia House Awakening the Heart

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