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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Amaro's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Amaro
I think of myself primarily as a monk who occasionally teaches, who strives to convey the spirit and the letter of Buddhism through my lifestyle, through explanation, and through the imagery of storytelling in order to bring Buddhism to life for people who are seeking truth and freedom.
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1999-09-11 The Place Of Non Abiding II Followed By Q And A 51:16
Learning to recognize moments of isness, or pure, open presence in our quiet, often overlooked moments when no sense of self has arisen.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat
1999-09-10 The Place Of Non Abiding I 57:18
Exploring the spaciousness of mind that comes when we let go of our belief in the solidity of the sense world, when we know the mind as the space in which all this drama is happening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat
1999-09-09 Ultimate And Conventional Reality 52:56
Can we live with respect and compassion within the world of form, while understanding its ultimate insubstantiality? Can we remember the truth of emptiness while the world of appearances is so compelling? How can we do both at once?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat
1999-04-22 Born Again 61:15
Escaping the subject/object domain of duality.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-11-09 Anatta 1:10:31
Exploring the Buddhas unique and subtle teachings on selflessness.
1998-10-30 Neither Title Nor Untitled 1:12:03
A religious seeker is one who has no future.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-28 Both Titled And Untitled 60:04
Listening to the mind without entanglements.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-26 The Essence Of Dhamma 57:44
Patiently surrendering into benevolence and kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-24 Unconditioned Reality 56:29
Recognizing the unrecognizable.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-23 Opening Talk For The Monastic Retreat 52:46
Exploring the monastic tradition.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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