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gift of the teachings
Dana DePalma's Dharma Talks
Dana DePalma
Dana DePalma has practiced Insight Meditation since 1993 and is a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council. Dana co-developed and leads innovative programs for the staff at Spirit Rock that combine practice, study and leadership training. She holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and enjoys sharing the Dharma as a spiritual mentor.
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2021-05-27 Feeling the Ouch with Dignity and Integrity 54:36
Contemplation Reflections → Sitting Meditation → Walking/Movement
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dancing with Life: The Twelve Insight Practices of the Four Noble Truths
2018-10-21 Day Two, Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 35:35
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation: The Convergence of Wisdom and Love
2018-10-20 Mindfulness and the Preciousness of Life 52:20
First full day of retreat talk: including mindfulness, the 4 reflections, working with feeling tone, emotions and Rain; and the transformation that takes place in practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation: The Convergence of Wisdom and Love
2014-12-02 The Liberating Power of Mindfulness and Kindness 47:07
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Joy of Letting Go-Restoration, Forgiveness, Renewal Retreat Schedule
2014-06-22 Guided Meditation: Releasing and Embracing 20:35
Meditation on releasing and embracing, including Sylvia Boorstein's mantra, "May I meet it as a friend."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2014-06-22 Guided Meditation: Breath at the Three Centers 43:19
Guided meditation on sensing the breath at upper lip and tip of the nostrils, heart center and belly. A short talk on embracing and releasing follows.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-11-08 Path of Service - Remembering Barbara George 24:18
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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