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gift of the teachings
Nikki Mirghafori's Dharma Talks
Nikki Mirghafori
Nikki is of Persian heritage, and was introduced to contemplative practices and yoga in the early 1980's, to meditation in 1991, and to Theravada Buddhism in 2003. She has studied with various Western and Eastern teachers, with a keen interest in intensive silent retreats. She studied jhanas and detailed analytical vipassana with the renowned meditation master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw who instructed her to teach. She is also a Spirit Rock authorized retreat teacher, a Stanford trained compassion cultivation instructor, and a UCLA certified mindfulness facilitator. She teaches Buddhist meditation and contemplation nationally, and in particular, at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, where she also serves on their Board of Directors. Nikki holds a Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley and has had an active career as an Artificial Intelligence scientist in academia and industry for over two decades.
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2021-04-09 Noticing Absence, Letting Go of Self-Reference 49:18
In this guided meditation, we explore voidness/emptiness through the absence of observed phenomena. Our habitual self-referential frame of reference is also invited to be seen and examined, and momentarily let go of to notice the freedom of the way of seeing free of self-ing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Practical Emptiness: The Womb of Love and Compassion with Nikki Mirghafori, PhD and Sayadaw U Jagara
2021-04-08 Guided Meditation: Life as A Dream 44:34
In this guided meditation, we explore emptiness as a way of seeing the dreamlike nature of what we assume to be our fixed reality. "Thus shall you think of all this fleeting world: As star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, A flash of lightning in a summer cloud, A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Practical Emptiness: The Womb of Love and Compassion with Nikki Mirghafori, PhD and Sayadaw U Jagara
2020-08-31 The Five Daily Reflections 68:25
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-08-25 The Eight Jhanas and the Three Characteristics 60:59
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2019-08-21 Connecting with the breath as a good friend 31:49
Easing into samadhi (concentration) through befriending the breath.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2019-08-20 Samadhi: Eight Supportive Conditions and the Five Jhanic Factors 60:46
What is samadhi (most often translated as concentration)? Why do we engage in samatha practice on this path? How does it differ from vipassana? Eight supportive conditions to establish samadhi are discussed. A brief exposition of the five jhanic factors are offered at the end of the talk.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2019-07-23 Illness as a Doorway to Freedom 43:24
Nikki Mirghafori shows us that illness and hardship are not just to be endured, they can actually be our teachers on the path.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Saturday Talks
In collection: Meditation in Hard Times
2019-07-16 Meditation in Hard Times 3:42:31
with Diana Clark, Misha Merrill, Nikki Mirghafori, Shaila Catherine, Tony Bernhard
An IMSB series dealing with stress, life transitions, traumas, and tragedies.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2019-04-13 The Joy of Samadhi (Concentration) - Day 2 of 2 6:58:55
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-04-12 The Joy of Samadhi (Concentration) - Day 1 of 2 (missing early morning section from 10am-11am) 5:41:33
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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