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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dhammadīpā's Dharma Talks
I aspire to offer teachings that are encouraging, that support people to discover how they are an expression of Dhamma. I'm particularly interested in the interplay between stilling and settling the mind, and opening to greater kindness and generosity of heart.
2020-11-18 The Royal Elephant's Courage 46:15
A Dharma talk given to the Sierra Insight Sangha on the sutta of the Royal Bull Elephant, Anguttara Nikaya 4.114, on listening, unwholesome mind states, patience, and intention.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-11-07 Grounded in Skin, Flesh and Bones 17:17
A guided meditation on the earth element, part of a day of retreat online, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-11-07 A Platonic Relationship with Body and Mind 39:56
A Dhamma talk on the 6 sense fields, part of a day of retreat online, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-11-07 Expansive Six Sense Fields 54:51
A guided meditation on the six sense bases, part of a day of retreatonline, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-09-20 The Mind That Knows Itself 47:33
A Dhamma talk on coping with environmental stress by practicing the third foundation of mindfulness - mindfulness of mind. This talk was given as part of the regular monthly series of talks to the Berkeley area Aloka Vihara community.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-09-20 How Captivating the Moment Can Be 34:43
A Dhamma talk on the joy of practicing internal and external mindfulness. This talk was given as part of the regular monthly series of talks to the San Francisco Dharma Collective.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-09-07 Manifesting Metta in All Directions 27:19
A guided meditation offered as part of the Sunday evening program of Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group (SBMG)
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-09-07 The Immeasurable Mind of Metta 56:54
A talk given as part of the Sunday program at Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group (SBMG)
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-07-04 Celebrando Asalha Puja 54:32
Homenaje al Buddha, refugio en las tres joyas de Buddha, Dhamma y Sangha, los cinco preceptos laicos del Budismo Theravada, y una plática acerca del Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, lo que hoy en día entendemos como el primer discurso del Buddha. Parte de un programa especial el 4 de julio, 2020, el día de la luna llena de ese mes.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
2020-06-27 Inner and Outer Interact at the Point of Contact 32:25
Guided meditation on the 6 senses, contact, impermanence, ends with chant of the 5 subjects for frequent recollection and a traditional Theravada blessing in English, chanting together with Ayya Santacitta. Offered as part of an online weekend retreat with White Heron Sangha.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

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