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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Eugene Cash's Dharma Talks
Eugene Cash
I am intrigued by how we can live the 'holy life' as lay people. How do we erase the imaginary line between formal sitting practice and the rest of our lives? How can we bring full engagement to formal and informal practice? Is it possible to embody, in our lives, the understanding and insight that comes with intensive training? And can we live our lives in a way that expresses and continues to deepen our realization? These questions fuel my practice and my teaching.
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2024-09-16 Maranasati 2024 (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:42
Contemplating our mortality personally as well as learning how Buddhism utilizes Mindfulness of Death as a gateway to Awakening. The Advice to Anathapindika gifts us with the deeper teachings on letting go of attachment; letting go of our identity; letting go of life!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Aging, Dying, & Awakening
2024-08-01 Right Effort in Meditation Retreat: 24/7 Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:46
Discovering how Right Effort leads to being present, awakening and realizing the Truth of the Dharma. We explored different currents of Rt. Effort: gentle; relaxed; willful; strong; fierce. We examined why and when different streams of effort might be skillful.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Spirit of Insight, Dharma & Awakening
2024-06-09 Upekkhā: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World 28:05
Upekkhā (Equanimity) is a Brahma Vihara, one of the ten Pāramīs, and one of the Seven Factors of Awakening
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community
2024-06-03 Precious Human Birth– Becoming Human in Each Moment (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:15
What makes humans precious? The magic, mystery & wonder embodied consciousness that is characterized by the Oneness of Birth-and-Death, & the paradox of unity of suffering and awakening being in Precious Human Birth
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Each Moment: The Heartfelt Revelation of Dharma
2024-06-01 Body: 1st Foundation of Awareness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:02
We explored the components & dynamics of the 1st Foundation: Breath; Body Posture; Parts of the Body; Awareness in all activities of the Body. We examined the Insight with leads to being Independent- Not clinging to anything in the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Each Moment: The Heartfelt Revelation of Dharma
2024-05-27 Memorial: Precious Human Birth–– Being Fully Human Now 1:26:21
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2024-01-07 The Power & Simplicity of Awareness 41:45
“This vanishes, that vanishes, but that which knows their vanishing doesn’t vanish... All that remains is simple awareness, utterly pure.” - Maha Boowa
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-12-24 Goodbye 2023 Welcoming 2024 35:11
Celebrating the Dying & Rebirth of the Light. “You can pick all the flowers, but you can’t stop the spring.” - Pablo Neruda
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-11-26 Gratefulness and the Giving of Thanks 32:53
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-10-22 Anicca: Discovering Harmony with Change 31:08
The beauty and mystery of each moment and its fugacious mystery. “Leave the circle of time and join the circle of love” — Rumi
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

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