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gift of the teachings
Taungpulu Sayadaw's Dharma Talks
Taungpulu Sayadaw
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1983-06-30 Monks Chant 32 Parts of the Body 62:07
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-30 32 Parts of the Body - 5 51:53
Copy Master
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-30 32 Parts of the Body - 5 18:44
Original Recording
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-30 32 Parts of the Body - 4 62:31
Copy Master
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-30 32 Parts of the Body - 4 1:34:01
Original Recording
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-29 32 Parts of the Body - 3 62:22
Copy Master
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-29 32 Parts of the Body - 3 31:30
Original Recording
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-29 32 Parts of the Body - 2 62:19
Copy Master
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-29 32 Parts of the Body - 2 1:35:12
Original Recording
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw
1983-06-28 32 Parts of the Body - 1 1:33:28
Copy Master
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 32 Parts of the Body with Taungpulu Sayadaw

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