| Western nuns and monks from the Theravada monastic tradition teach each year at the Retreat Center. The 2017 course, open to all, will focus on holistic awareness – accessing an awareness that supports and balances the body, heart and mind. Retreatants are asked to observe the eight monastic precepts, which include abstaining from eating after noon each day, and to participate fully in the daily routine of silent sitting, standing and walking meditation. There will also be group meetings with the teachers.
Group practice will begin each morning with an offering to the Triple Gem, such as flowers, light (in the form of candles) and incense or water, as well as chanting. Along with the renunciation, the acts of offering and homage establish the heart-tone of the retreat. |
The Centrality Of Feeling
Ajahn Sucitto
A simple aim of practice is to make you feel better! This comes around through tuning into the present feeling of skillful mindsets and using that to dispel negative ones.