Retreat Dharma Talks
Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
| An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained and dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart and developing profound clarity and depth of insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness combined with training in lovingkindness and compassion, through a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, dharma talks and interviews. |
2008-03-01 (28 days)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
What Kind Of Effort?
Anna Douglas
Exploring the different kinds of effort needed as our practice matures. This talk is meant for both senior students and those new to practice.
Paradox And Awakening
Eugene Cash
How do we make sense of the differing and sometimes contradictory teachings we hear; one of the fruits of practice is the resolution of paradox.
The River Of Life
Pamela Weiss
Exploring the ways that insight into impermanence deepens our appreciation for the beauty and mystery of life
All Beings Cheer You On
Anna Douglas
This talk, given at the end of a month long retreat, puts our practice in the context of a larger stream of awakening occurring on the planet.