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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Tracing Back the Radiance - A Day of Seon Questioning (online, one day retreat)

During this online daylong we practice in the way of Korea Seon using the question “What is this?” which will help us to develop brightness and calmness together. We explore what it means to trace back the radiance. We also learn how this questioning practice can be brought into our daily life, making us more flexible and creative.

2025-02-22 (1 day) Gaia House

2025-02-22 Asking the Question: What is this? Cultivating Brightness and Calm Together. 61:05
Martine Batchelor
2025-02-22 Exploring Sudden Awakening and Gradual Practice 1:12:50
Martine Batchelor
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