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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Martine Batchelor's Dharma Talks
Martine Batchelor
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2025-02-22 Exploring Sudden Awakening and Gradual Practice 1:12:50
Gaia House Tracing Back the Radiance - A Day of Seon Questioning (online, one day retreat)
2025-02-22 Asking the Question: What is this? Cultivating Brightness and Calm Together. 61:05
Gaia House Tracing Back the Radiance - A Day of Seon Questioning (online, one day retreat)
2024-10-05 Emotional patterns of Anger, Low Mood, Fear and Love as Related to Mindfulness of Citta 45:36
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind
2024-10-04 Guided Meditation 41:13
Equanimity as treating equally, as well as cultivating stability and balance in mind, body, heart
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind
2024-10-04 What is it We Think, and How Does This Feel ? 29:09
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind
2024-10-03 108 Vedanās 44:05
Exploring the various aspects of vedanā as found in the suttas: mental, physical, pleasant, unpleasant, neither, through the six senses, worldly and unworldly.
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind
2024-10-02 Guided Meditation 41:32
Mindfulness of Feeling Tones Using Breath, Body, Sounds
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind
2024-10-02 How Does It Feel ? 23:11
Cultivating mindfulness of feeling tones and becoming aware of their changing nature
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind
2024-05-04 The Four Qualities, Mindfulness of Feeling Tones and Ethical Actions: Dharma Talk & Meditation 1:15:14
Cultivating the four qualities of friendliness, compassion, joy and equanimity to help us creatively engage in wise, harmless, compassionate action, when in contact through our senses with the resulting feeling tones. How to experince feeling tones without grasping?
Gaia House Mindfulness in Action - One Day Online Retreat
2024-05-04 Mindfulness of Feeling Tones in Terms of Ethical Actions: Instructions & Guided Meditation 58:05
Looking at ethical actions in terms of the five precepts, exploring the two aspects of restraint and cultivation; while exploring the impact of various feeling tones on our impulses and attitudes.
Gaia House Mindfulness in Action - One Day Online Retreat

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