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True Inheritance: A Guided Meditation
2019-04-19 True Inheritance: A Guided Meditation 18:40
Ayya Medhanandi
We keep searching for happiness through travel, surfing the internet, shopping, and other worldly ways – but does it ever last? Supreme happiness arises right here in the heart – when we are patient beyond measure, present, stronger than we know. With groundbreaking inner seeing, free of devices – and free of vices – pure, wise clarity and conscious awareness disentangle and unburden the mind of fear, obsession, all distractions, and at last, all suffering! This is the key to exit our self-made prison of beliefs, thoughts and opinions as we awaken to our true inheritance – the liberatig Truth of what we are.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat

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