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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sally Armstrong's Dharma Talks
Sally Armstrong
Sally Clough Armstrong began practicing vipassana meditation in India in 1981. She moved to the Bay Area in 1988, and worked at Spirit Rock until 1994 in a number of roles, including executive director. She began teaching in 1996, and is one of the guiding teachers of Spirit Rock's Dedicated Practitioner Program. Sally has always been inspired by the depth and the breadth of the Buddha’s teaching, as presented in the suttas of the Pali Canon, because the truth and power of the Buddha’s words still speak to us today. Her intention in teaching is to make these ancient texts and practices accessible and relevant to all levels of practitioner, from the very new to the dedicated meditator.
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2013-02-14 Quenching the unquenchable thirst 55:52
The 2nd Noble Truth tells us that the cause for our suffering is craving - the desire that holds on to or pushes away experience. Letting go brings ease and freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat
2013-02-13 Afternoon Brahma Vihara Practice 33:47
The Difficult Person
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat
2013-02-09 Morning Instructions - Day 6 16:52
Morning Instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat
2013-02-08 The Suffering that Leads to the End of Suffering 55:47
The First Noble Truth tells us how it really is - there is and there will be suffering in any and every life. But this is not just gloomy news, but rather an invitation to turn towards suffering so we begin to understand it, its nature and its causes, so we need no longer to cause our own suffering, or to feel a vicitm of suffering - that we have done something wrong because we are suffering. Opening to suffering also tenderizes the heart, as we open to the depth and the breadth of our own suffering, and the suffering of the world. This is the path to compassion and to freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat
2013-01-14 Mindfulness of the Body 62:26
Body as practice, refuge and teacher.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2012-12-04 Compassion is Empty 26:33
There are two great proximate causes for compassion: suffering and wisdom. Suffering opens the heart and wisdom lets us see the fragile impermanent nature of all things. Q&A at end of talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: a Meditation and Study Retreat
2012-12-04 Guided Compassion Meditation 43:21
The near enemy of compassion is pity; the far energy is cruelty. But more often the obstacles to true compassion are wanting to fix rather than be with suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: a Meditation and Study Retreat
2012-12-02 Dependent Origination 54:38
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: a Meditation and Study Retreat
2012-12-01 Morning Session The Five Aggregates Are Empty and Q&A 0:00
(Recording not available) 
The Buddha instructed us to bring awareness to the five aggregates of form, feeling tone, perception, mental formations and consciousness and to notice how we cling to and identify with them. If we cling and identify we will suffer. Non-clinging = Non-suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: a Meditation and Study Retreat
2012-11-29 From the Three Characteristics to Emptiness 57:42
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Emptiness: a Meditation and Study Retreat

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