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gift of the teachings
Ayya Medhanandi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Medhanandi
Ayyā Medhānandī Bhikkhunī, is the founder and guiding teacher of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage, a Canadian forest monastery for women in the Theravāda tradition. The daughter of Eastern European refugees who emigrated to Montreal after World War II, she began a spiritual quest in childhood that led her to India, Burma, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and finally, back to Canada.
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2016-08-16 Who’s Sitting Under the Bodhi Tree 33:52
The mind is so easily duped by its own delusion. By holding perceptions, views and opinions - our own, as well as others - as "uncertain", and being circumspect, we can bear witness to experience as the Knowing Mind, unburdened by its conditioning. When the five faculties are strengthened through practice, this knowing mind can arise in its utmost purity. We can overcome delusion by stripping our experience of any packaging; only when we know things authentically for what they truly are, can we let them go. We practice fearlessness, harmlessness, selflessness, until there is nothing to fear, except delusion itself. If we are awake to that Truth, then we can be sitting under the Bodhi Tree in the truest way.  A talk given during a 7 day Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat at Chapin Mill Retreat Centre, Batavia, Rochester, NY.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)
2016-08-16 Under the Canopy of Dhamma 17:16
Where is safety in a world burning with greed, hatred, fear and violence? It is within us. Under the protective canopy of Dhamma, with unshakeable faith in the Buddha's awakening, we purify the heart – emulating his tactical strategies for training the mind to abandon unskillful physical and mental habits. We look for 'nothing' apart from how to wisely observe and truly see with penetrating discernment, and how to let go the delusion of self-identity. Secluded from the world, awareness knows imperturbable peace. This is the path of selflessness, of generosity, of great compassion, of harmlessness.
Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto
2016-08-15 Reading: Ajahn Chah – In the Dead of Night 15:27
Ajahn Chah describes his process of overcoming fear while staying in a charnel ground in Thailand and urges us to try it out!  What he means is not in the charnel ground, but right here wherever we are and with the ghosts of our own minds. A reading given during a Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in 2016.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)
2016-08-15 Be Like Bamboo 35:58
The jhana factors serve as antidotes to the five hindrances as well as supports in developing the Noble Eightfold Path. But they are not enough in and of themselves to establish wisdom. Studying the body and mind through samatha and vipassana, we come to understand the Four Noble Truths. As we transform consciousness, we transcend the world. A talk given at a 7 day Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in the Chapin Mill Zen Retreat Centre, Batavia, NY.
Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto
2016-08-14 Reading: Sayadaw U Pandita – Mother Hen 12:16
Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) Retreat
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2016-08-13 Reading: Therigatha – Venerable Subha Bhikkhuni’s Poem 9:42
Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) Retreat
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2016-07-17 Measureless Liberation of Mind 15:42
Nature is begging us to wake up especially when we find ourselves at the mercy of fear arising like ghosts in the dead of night. What will protect us from these intruders? At the moment of ambush, can we see their true qualities in the light of suffering and its cause? Know that truth of suffering, its cause, its cure and the truest way of healing to break out of the prison of delusion. Now enter the measureless liberation of mind.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)
2016-07-16 Across the River of Pain 28:03
We long to be free from this wandering, to go beyond all suffering. The body is our raft to cross from one side of the river of pain to the other. And there we leave the raft. But we don’t leave it until we cross, until we realize the Deathless – when no one ‘dies’ but we know the death of greed, of anger, of delusion. As we cross, we end the pain, grief, rage, vulnerability, fear – every form of distress. And where we were once inflamed by these troubles, they give way to the infinitudes of love and compassion.
Canmore Theravada Buddhist Community
2016-03-30 The Power of Loving-Kindness 37:16
When universal love leading to liberation of the heart is ardently developed, unrelentingly resorted to, it becomes the foundation of our life. We travel in a divine vehicle, our inheritance from the Buddha, the sublime abiding of mettā, loving kindness. This is our shelter from unwholesome states, a true salve for impure and damaging mental afflictions. More and more as we purify the mind, it triumphs over hateful feelings and forgiveness and compassion are perfected. Indeed, by the power of loving kindness, we are crossing the stream to the farther shore, awakening to the Deathless.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Finding Inner Peace: Monastic Retreat
2016-03-29 Morning Instructions 15:44
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Finding Inner Peace: Monastic Retreat

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