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Ayya Medhanandi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Medhanandi
Ayyā Medhānandī Bhikkhunī, is the founder and guiding teacher of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage, a Canadian forest monastery for women in the Theravāda tradition. The daughter of Eastern European refugees who emigrated to Montreal after World War II, she began a spiritual quest in childhood that led her to India, Burma, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and finally, back to Canada.
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2003-09-02 Holding the Chalice 33:55
We underestimate the power of renunciation to gain our true spiritual inheritance from the Buddha. These deeper levels of practice require not a formulaic approach but faith enough to let go the clinging that perpetuates an endless cycle of loss and suffering. On this sacred way of freedom, we walk the razor’s edge to ascend the Everest of the heart. This is no small task for a human being. But we push on with clarity, courage and insight. Holding the chalice of sanctity, we come face to face with the law of impermanence, the jewel of awakened wisdom, and the immeasurable peace of all that is pure and beautiful and true.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2002-12-12 The Poison Arrow 46:43
Stokes Valley Monastery Retreat, New Zealand The poison arrow of ignorance spreads its toxins through passion, desire and ill will. By sitting still, applying mindfulness and surrendering to what is, the right view will illuminate our minds and will help us extract the arrow and heal the wound.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2002-12-10 A Mind Empowered 5 Ways 34:01
Learn how we can refine our mental skills of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom. Enhanced by right view and a deepened understanding of the Four Noble Truths, these spiritual powers vanquish hatred and fear, nurturing our readiness to forgive, and the blessed qualities of universal loving-kindness and compassion. A talk given during a 10-day retreat at Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand in 2002.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand
2002-12-09 Chariot to Nibbana 57:21
What is the best chariot according to the Dhamma? A commentary on the Buddha’s conversation with Ananda about the noble vehicle that will carry you victoriously along the spiritual path - to Nibbana, full awakening.  A talk given at a 10-day retreat in Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand in 2002.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand
1998-11-15 The Way of the Mystic 56:25
A reflection on the tale of Patacara’s meeting with the Buddha after the deaths of her sons, husband, and parents and how she attains equanimity in the face of great suffering. A talk given at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK, Death & Dying Retreat.
Amaravati Monastery
1996-11-10 A Pilgrimage of Trust 40:45
A guided meditation on death and dying - the final steps in our life's journey. Balance, mindfulness and faith teach us to touch the joy of the present moment as a spiritual pilgrim. Given at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK, Death & Dying Retreat in 1996.
Amaravati Monastery
1996-11-09 Joy is Hidden in Sorrow 44:14
Death & Dying Retreat - Every moment is an opportunity to transform ourselves by understanding things as they really are and opening to the natural law of life and death. We learn what death is and how to find true peace by following the Noble Eightfold Path and living and dying skilfully.
Amaravati Monastery

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