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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Medhanandi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Medhanandi
Ayyā Medhānandī Bhikkhunī, is the founder and guiding teacher of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage, a Canadian forest monastery for women in the Theravāda tradition. The daughter of Eastern European refugees who emigrated to Montreal after World War II, she began a spiritual quest in childhood that led her to India, Burma, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and finally, back to Canada.
2009-08-21 Energy Audit 22:46
You can conduct an energy audit on the strength of your attention when you sit down to meditate. Notice if your attention is wavering and then patiently seal up the leaks so that your mind is no longer tempted by the world that the ego builds.  A talk given at Quaker House for the Ottawa Buddhist Society.
Ottawa Buddhist Society
2009-07-15 Gardening the Mind 20:19
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations
2009-07-15 Peace is Here - Guided Meditation 19:14
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations
2009-06-19 Opinions 33:20
Are you watching your breath or watching your opinions? It is not enough to just watch the breath; you must reflect closely on what is arising. Come to the truth of the way things are by identifying and letting go of your opinions. Reflect on what you pay homage to and how to give birth to the truth in your heart.
Ottawa Buddhist Society
2009-06-17 Four Life Practices 29:36
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations
2009-06-17 A Friend to All - Guided Loving-Kindness Meditation 23:48
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations
2009-05-06 Truth Counts 21:27
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations
2009-05-06 Just As We Are - Guided Meditation 10:39
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations
2009-04-04 Batik Buddha 38:54
Ayya Medhanandi reflects on the meaning of the different mudras or hand gestures used by the Buddha himself when he gave teachings.  Each represents an important quality for us to practise and develop such as fearlessness or compassion.  You can see these mudras that she describes on the batik cloth that was gifted to the Ottawa Buddhist Society at
Ottawa Buddhist Society
2009-03-20 Unencumbered 19:12
Fire is our teacher - the fire of pain, the fire of persevering through difficulty and the fire of going beyond what we think we are capable of. For we are greater that we know and our journey is one of learning to trust what is right and true. When the heart’s compassion, wisdom, and generosity mature, there is no space for fear. All the dross of the world melts away in the silence of pure presence. Here is the absolute sanctity of awareness, unencumbered, and joyous in the knowledge of pure love itself.
Ottawa Buddhist Society (Sisters of St. Joseph Convent)

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