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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Howard Cohn's Dharma Talks
Howard Cohn
The more I rest in present awareness, and don't separate myself out from life, the more I appreciate the impact that I have on others. Only when I am present am I sensitive to my connection to the world, am I able to feel how important it is to be non-harming in my words and actions. When I am lost in thought, I lose that simplicity and sensitivity.
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2008-12-11 Against The Stream 56:42
Distraction, "swimming" against our habit of distraction, our practice helps us open to the truth of dukkha, let go of its causes, realize its end and cultivate the the path of liberation, a version of the Four Noble Truths.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation
2008-11-15 Simply Waiting 55:49
4 Noble Truths and 8-Fold Path in 50 minutes
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Yoga
2008-08-31 Big Sky Meditation With Bells 41:03
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat
2008-08-30 Seeing Through The Self Illusion 61:51
Opening to our experience moment-to-moment brightens our awareness, illuminating the difference between our direct experience and the virtual version of ourselves that plays through our minds.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat
2008-04-04 The Buddha's Way To Happiness 67:28
The Buddha's evolving understanding of happiness and his awakening based on his life experiences.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation 101
2008-02-23 Big Mind Meditation 43:33
A version of Joseph Goldstein's Big Mind meditation using bells and reminders to allow your mind to be like a clear empty sky and allow the different experiences to arise and pass without interference.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation 1-month Retreat
2008-02-22 The Four Reminders 69:07
We have the opportunity to make something of this precious life, that has such fortunate conditions that can also quickly change. The seeds we plant have results. Orienting ourselves toward the Dharma can free us from the samsaric loop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation 1-month Retreat
2008-02-18 Equanimity: The Eye Of The Storm 63:28
The culmination of the Brahma Viharas, the ten paramis, and the factors of awakening. Equanimity allows us, like the Buddha, to 'sit in the middle'. Moment to moment mindfulness brings balance and openness to meet our joys and sorrows.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation 1-month Retreat
2008-02-14 At The Still Point Of The Turning World 61:06
Exploring the concept of time and the way our reality is colored by the views of time that obscure the inexhaustible resource of the present moment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation 1-month Retreat
2008-02-08 Papanca - Why I Can't Be Happy Now 66:52
Our thinking mind, when unnoticed, spreads out into imaginary worlds about an imaginary version of ourselves. How mindfulness helps us recognize the various trances our mind spins.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation 1-month Retreat

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