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gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2025-03-06 Taking Sides in a World of Non-Duality 49:46
This talk explores the view that the wide and profound perspective of Non-Duality sees that everything belongs. One is not creating divisions between "good and bad" or "right and wrong". It is all part of the dance of life. However, in the relative level of reality these categories are real and shape our thoughts, reactions and actions. The Buddha advises us to not be attached to views and opinions. How can we reconcile this paradox and live with this wise non-dual perspective while taking a courageous stand against the forces of greed, hatred delusion that are creating suffering?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2025-01-30 The Antidote to Fear: Practicing in Uncertain Times 51:41
It seems like many are feeling either a low-level anxiety or fear these days. Fear about their safety, about disasters like fire or floods, about what the future holds. While this is natural and understandable, when our minds get hijacked by fearful thoughts, it is almost impossible to have a wise or appropriate response. In this talk we explore practicing and skillfully working with fear so that it can transform into courage, compassion and wisdom.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2025-01-16 Our Greatest Protection 46:39
This talk is about what the Dalai Lama called our greatest protection: our sincerity of motivation. What is sincerity? How do we know when we are truly sincere? How can we cultivate it?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2025-01-09 We Are What We Think 47:51
The subject of this talk is the opening verse of the Dhammapada, the famous collection of the Buddha’s teachings. The verse starts out with these words: “We are what we think. With our thoughts we make the world.” This teaching can be truly transformative in one’s meditation practice as well as in one’s life.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2024-12-23 Befriending Eternity: 49 Days in Darkness by Adam Baraz 59:06
Talk originally given on December 12, 2024 I’m happy to share the evening with my son, Adam Baraz, who will reflect on the recent completion of his fifth Darkness Retreat, a 49-day “Bardo Retreat” in Tuscany, Italy. Adam will discuss the psychological, physical, emotional, and spiritual journey of “being alone in the dark” for 7 weeks. He will describe the practical aspects of preparation, meditation practice, challenges, and benefits of extended darkness retreat practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2024-11-21 What Do I Need Right Now? 51:42
At this time, US citizens are going through a major adjustment to a new reality after the election. A large part of the population is happy at the outcome. And another large part is confused by that fact. A whole host of feelings are likely to arise--disorientation, confusion, fear, numbing out to name a few. In order to respond wisely to the moment, we first need to be present for and honor our experience. A key question to ask oneself is "What do I need right now?" We will explore this in the context of our Dharma practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2024-11-07 Keeping the Heart Open in Uncertain Times 52:18
This week has been a test for anyone who values kindness, compassion, and equanimity. It's understandable to get lost in fear, confusion and despair. This is when spiritual practice is needed most. How can we use our practice to develop a balance of mind in unpredictable circumstances, and relate to those who have very different perspectives from ours without getting caught in "othering"?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2024-10-31 Scary Times on Halloween: Working with Fear 58:44
This Thursday is Halloween night. It's definitely scary times so I thought we could explore working with fear. Join us online.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2024-10-17 "What, Me Worry?" 57:17
Alan Watts wrote a classic book The Wisdom of Insecurity. With the election in the States a few weeks away, dealing with significant uncertainty is on the minds of most everybody. Join us as we explore the topic of dealing with major uncertainty as Dharma practice together.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2024-09-26 Like an Instrument with Sarah Marie Hopf 52:45
How might you let Life play you like an instrument? In this talk James shares the evening with Sarah-Marie Hopf, a good friend, dedicated practitioner, coach and meditation teacher who shares about her journey of progressively deepening trust in the dharma and our True Nature and opening to what wants to flow effortlessly from the mystery into form. Becoming an unexpected singer-songwriter, she shares the origin story of her first album “Modern Mantras” which was inspired by songs that came through her spontaneously during a month long Spirit Rock retreat.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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