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gift of the teachings
Donald Rothberg's Dharma Talks
Donald Rothberg
Donald Rothberg, PhD, has practiced Insight Meditation since 1976, and has also received training in Tibetan Dzogchen and Mahamudra practice and the Hakomi approach to body-based psychotherapy. Formerly on the faculties of the University of Kentucky, Kenyon College, and Saybrook Graduate School, he currently writes and teaches classes, groups and retreats on meditation, daily life practice, spirituality and psychology, and socially engaged Buddhism. An organizer, teacher, and former board member for the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Donald has helped to guide three six-month to two-year training programs in socially engaged spirituality through Buddhist Peace Fellowship (the BASE Program), Saybrook (the Socially Engaged Spirituality Program), and Spirit Rock (the Path of Engagement Program). He is the author of The Engaged Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Approach to Transforming Ourselves and the World and the co-editor of Ken Wilber in Dialogue: Conversations with Leading Transpersonal Thinkers.
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2015-03-10 Brahma Vihara Day 10: Metta for All Beings 43:20
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat
2015-03-06 Morning Instructions Day 6 39:28
Mindfulness of Feeling-Tone (the Second Foundation of Mindfulness) and Introduction to the Third Foundation of Mindfulness (here, practicing with thoughts and emotions)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat
2015-03-03 Brahma Vihara Day 3 40:08
The Close Friend and Radiation Metta
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat
2015-03-01 Morning Instructions Day 1 39:10
Mindfulness of the breath (or another primary object)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat
2015-02-28 The Spiritual Journey 47:43
In the context of the beginning of a month-long retreat (and, for some, beginning the second month of a two-month retreat), we explore briefly the cross-cultural expressions of a spiritual "journey" or "path," and the typical stages of such a journey.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat
2015-02-18 Thinning of the Self 3 67:32
After a brief review of the last two talks - on the general theme of "not-self" and two ways of practicing (opening to the flow of experience, examining the "thick" self) we look at further ways of practicing including being aware of the particular constituents without adding "my" and "mine"; cultivating heart practices such as lovingkindness, compassion, forgiveness and empathy and opening to a "pure awareness" what has been called in the Thai Forest tradition, the "primal" or "radiant" mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2015-02-11 Thinning of the Self 2 62:09
We look in more depth at two more ways to "thin" the self, to explore anath: 1. cultivating of "flow" and 2. examining several ways that there is a "thick" sense of self
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2015-02-06 Talk #4: Equanimity 52:16
An exploration of the challenges of connecting our mindfulness and heart practices, of how equanimity practice interpenetrates with the other three brahmavihara, of the nature of equanimity, and of some of the "near opposites" (or near enemies) of equanimity.
Tucson Community Meditation Center :  Awakening the Heart: Practicing the "Divine Abodes"--Lovingkindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
2015-02-05 Talk #3: Mudita (Joy) 47:02
Tucson Community Meditation Center :  Awakening the Heart: Practicing the "Divine Abodes"--Lovingkindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
2015-01-21 The Thinning of the Self 63:55
Insight into "not-self" (anatta) is one of the core aspects of wisdom. After briefly reviewing some of the challenges of understanding anatta, we look at four practical ways to explore anatta, through focusing on 1) everyday and meditative experiences of "flow", 2) studying the "thick" or strong sense of self when it appears, 3) practicing in other ways to "thin" the self, and 4) opening to awareness without a sense of self or identification with the contents of experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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