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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2023-03-16 talk: pāramī of wisdom 26:35
How wisdom supports all the other pāramī, and how it can be cultivated on different levels, corresponding with the head, heart, and gut
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-03-09 talk: pāramī of renunciation or relinquishment 29:23
How the pāramī of nekhamma or renunciation/relinquishing invites us to explore our relationship to wanting, and how the societal-wide craving for comfort helps fuel the climate crisis
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-03-02 talk: pāramī of sīla / ethical conduct 25:57
Exploring the pāramī of sila or ethical conduct, looking at some of the main differences between Buddhist ethics and mainstream Western ethics
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-02-23 talk: pāramī of dāna / generosity 30:41
Exploring generosity as a spiritual practice by bringing more refined awareness to how we give, and the benefits that come from the reciprocal flow of giving and receiving
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-02-16 17 meditation: spaciousness 42:57
Orienting to spaciousness and ease, opening to the full range of experiences including the rain
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat
2023-02-15 15 talk: Restlessness and remorse 38:36
An exploration of physical and mental restlessness, anxiety and remorse, and some ways to help these afflictive energies release
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat
2023-02-14 10 meditation: Orienting to ease and well-being as an aspect of mettā, kindness 45:04
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat
2023-02-14 13 meditation: Mindfulness of thinking 28:48
Beginning with the breath, physical sensations and sounds, then opening up awareness to include thinking
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat
2023-02-14 12 instructions: Mindfulness of thinking 14:13
Some strategies for relating skilfully to thoughts
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat
2023-02-13 07 talk: The hindrance of aversion and some strategies for working with it 42:14
Exploring the characteristics of aversion or ill will, how "averting" can at times be skilful, and if an antidote to aversion is needed, compassion and particularly self-compassion can sometimes be more effective than mettā NOTE: recording cuts out after 30 minutes due to a technical error, sorry
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Seven-day insight meditation retreat

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