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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2023-10-19 talk: pāramī of mettā - kindness, good will 20:29
Exploring what supports kindness and what gets in the way, focusing on self-view and clinging to being right; includes a short guided meditation on "practicing being wrong"
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-10-12 talk: the pāramī of patience and resolve 27:50
Some reflections on how the pāramī of patience and resolve provide crucial support for both regular meditation practice and retreat practice. Includes an exploration of the need to honour natural rhythms, and how metaphorically "lying fallow" allows deeper healing and wisdom to emerge
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-09-07 talk: Reviewing all ten pāramī, in conversation with Auckland Insight sangha members 46:31
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2023
2023-08-31 30 talk: An overview of the Noble Eightfold Path 35:57
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat
2023-08-30 27 meditation: exploring the insubstantiality of experience 52:25
Beginning with physical sensations, knowing them as impermanent and insubstantial, then opening to sounds and mental activity; simply recognising experiences being known, without identifying with them as I, me, or mine
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat
2023-08-28 25 talk: Exploring the Awakening Factors 31:11
An overview of the seven awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy (pītī), tranquility, samādhi and equanimity, and how these work together to support conducive conditions for insight to arise
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat
2023-08-27 20 instructions: self-compassion 29:15
Acknowledging the inevitable ups and downs of being on retreat, making space for those changing conditions and orienting to self-compassion as needed for support to stay steady
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat
2023-08-25 17 talk: Muditā or appreciative joy 24:06
Exploring different aspects of muditā: as happiness for others' happiness; as appreciation or gratitude; as recognition of our own strengths or good qualities, as in the Buddha's instructions to Mahanama
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat
2023-08-24 12 instructions and meditation: pleasant unworldly vedanā and mettā 41:12
Exploring pleasant worldly and unworldly vedanā as a support for mettā; guided meditation orienting to the embodied energy of warmth and kindness, and inviting that energy to pervade in all directions
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat
2023-08-23 10 instructions and meditation exploring feeling-tone or vedanā 24:34
How feeling-tone conditions reactivity when there's no mindfulness, then exploring vedanā in relation to the sense doors of seeing, hearing and the body
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

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