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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2017-01-06 07 Instructions: Mental Noting and Mindfulness of Hearing 12:45
Different approaches to mindfulness, including the use of mental noting and using sound as the meditation object
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings
2017-01-05 06 Talk: Three Universal Characteristics and the Five Hindrances 52:00
The purpose of insight as seeing clearly into the three universal characteristics of anicca - impermanence, dukkha - unsatisfactoriness, and anatta - not-self, and how the five hindrances of sensual desire, ill will or aversion, sloth and torpor, restlessness and remorse, and sceptical doubt get in the way of clear seeing
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings
2017-01-05 05 Instructions: Refining mindfulness of the body 8:22
Instructions for paying closer attention to physical sensations in the body, and guidance on meditating in pairs, naming physical sensations out loud
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings
2017-01-05 04 Meditation: Mindfulness of breathing in two ways 28:33
Two ways of working with mindfulness of the breath: to settle the mind and/or refine awareness
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings
2017-01-05 03 Instructions: Mindfulness of breathing 13:59
Some definitions of mindfulness, and two ways of working with mindfulness of breathing: for calm and concentration, or to refine mindfulness and clarity
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings
2017-01-04 02 Instructions: Brief overview of insight practice 3:58
A very brief introduction to the practice and purpose of insight meditation
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings
2017-01-04 01 Talk: Retreat opening - refuges and precepts, metta 28:32
Cultivating supports for the retreat container: taking the refuges and precepts, and developing an attitude of kind curiosity
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

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