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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2022-02-03 talk: finding (moments of) ease in the midst of it all 41:35
Exploring how we get caught in busyness, stress and overwhelm, with suggestions for helping to find moments of ease and equanimity in the midst of it all
Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer Valley
2022-02-03 meditation: orienting to ease 28:05
Beginning by establishing awareness of the body, then connecting with breathing and opening to spaciousness and ease
Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer Valley
2022-01-19 16 meditation: equanimity 25:43
Orienting to spaciousness and ease as supports for the steadiness of equanimity
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-18 15 talk: equanimity 34:37
An overview of equanimity, including its near and far enemies, and how it supports deepening peace
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-18 14 instructions: muditā 8:10
A short introduction to muditā as a support for skilful qualities of heart and mind
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-18 13 meditation: compassion 21:56
Beginning by steadying the body, heart and mind, then cultivating kindness and care in relation to pain
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-18 12 instructions: compassion 11:35
Compassion as the second of the four brahmavihāra practices, building on a foundation of mettā or good will then extending that kindness to meet all forms of pain, stress, distress and suffering
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-17 11 talk: three characteristics and contemplation of death 37:56
Exploring the universal characteristics of impermanence and not-self, and how these can come together in the contemplation of death to support living with more ease, happiness and peace
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-17 10 intstructions: mindfulness of mind-states 11:22
Bringing awareness to the underlying qualities of mind underneath the content of thoughts and emotions
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace
2022-01-17 09 meditation: mindfulness of mind and awakening factors 29:59
Beginning by establishing stillness and spaciousness in the body and mind, allowing thoughts to come and go, then tuning in to the underlying qualities of the mind, including the seven factors of awakening
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace

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