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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2022-06-06 03 instructions: mindfulness of breathing to strengthen sati and samādhi 19:29
Exploring mindfulness of breathing with a relaxed and receptive approach, to help strengthen sati / mindfulness and samādhi / stability of mind
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-05 02 talk: inner and outer supports for being on retreat 47:02
Exploring different aspects of the "retreat container" that support the deepening of our meditation practice: the schedule, sangha, safety, silence, solitude, slowing down and stillness
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-05-22 05 talk: facing up to impermanence, endings, loss 15:27
Following a reading on the passing of the Buddha, reflecting on the truth of impermanence and how none of us are immune to it; moving into a ritual to acknowledge recent losses, and strengthen inner qualities to be able to navigate change with more ease
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight
2022-05-22 04 talk: awakening mutuality 16:09
Exploring what Awakening or Nibbāna means, then exploring some words by Thomas Hubl to explore how sangha or community can develop mindfulness, mutuality and mirroring as a support for insight
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight
2022-05-22 03 talk: introduction to the life of the Buddha 7:39
Finding points of commonality in our own lives with the life of the Buddha, then moving into relational practice exploring what motivated us to step out of the "palace of delusion"
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight
2022-05-22 02 meditation: cultivating gratitude 22:23
Orienting the heart-mind towards gratitude as a support for muditā, appreciative joy
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight
2022-05-22 01 talk: What is Vesak? 5:56
A brief introduction to what Vesak is, and the structure of this day of practice
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight
2022-05-19 talk: connecting with the more than human world 16:48
Investigating how our sense of community can be expanded to include the more than human world, closing with some relational practice in pairs, exploring our kinship with all beings
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2022
2022-04-30 Guided meditation equanimity p2 47:29
Based on the Buddha's instructions to Rahula, using the space elemental quality to find spaciousness and non-reactivity in the body, heart and mind
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2022
2022-04-28 Seven Factors of Awakening p5: Equanimity 54:55
Looking at the final awakening factor, what gets in the way, what helps it to arise and strengthen, and the insights into anicca - dukkha - anatta that it supports
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2022

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