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gift of the teachings
Ayya Medhanandi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Medhanandi
Ayyā Medhānandī Bhikkhunī, is the founder and guiding teacher of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage, a Canadian forest monastery for women in the Theravāda tradition. The daughter of Eastern European refugees who emigrated to Montreal after World War II, she began a spiritual quest in childhood that led her to India, Burma, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and finally, back to Canada.
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2014-06-03 Silent Thunder 18:05
The Dhamma is deep, subtle yet powerful enough to teach us how to stop, how to listen, how to see the truth of things. For what we thought we knew, we may have not really understood. So how can we transcend our social, cultural, psychological, and environmental conditioning? By uprooting greed, ill-will, and ignorance, the mind sees the truth of impermanence, suffering and emptiness. Like silent thunder, it grows pure, fearless, awake, and free.
Canmore Theravada Buddhist Community
2013-06-30 Sacred Heart: First Inside the Temple 32:40
First talk given inside the new Sati Saraniya Temple building. Within us we have a sacred space that we need to reclaim - the very space inside the heart. Here the Four Noble Truths come to life. Know our suffering, not blaming anyone or any conditions for it, see its origin within us, and right here, resolve it, uproot it. Here then, we realize suffering's end, time and again. And so in clearing the heart, we clear the Path.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2013-06-08 Evening Dhamma Teaching - This is Not Beyond our Doing 49:23
We can bear witness to each others’ suffering by recognizing genuine spiritual friends or kalyānamitta who share our values and our desire for awakening. Spiritual friends can help us identify our individual pitfalls and support our letting go of these obstacles. It is a joy to share the Dhamma together.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-06 Evening Dharma Teaching - Day 4 - Satipaññā and Refuge to the Rescue 48:45
How can we avoid the pitfalls that Mara sets for us on the path? Develop Sati (mindfulness) to act as a gatekeeper that can recognize the earliest signs of delusion, ill will, and greed. At the same time, cultivate paññā, wisdom and sharp discernment to protect against unskillful speech, conduct, and intention or thought. These foundational practices will be both refuge and rescue from the snares of Mara!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-05 Evening Talk- Day 6 - Remember What You Love 41:28
To harvest the real riches of the journey, seek refuge and protection in wisdom; and gain profound peace and happiness through the practice of loving-kindness, compassion and forgiveness. These qualities of reconciliation uphold virtue, concord, care and respect so that we can befriend what is noble and realize the truth for ourselves. Even in the darkest hour, remember what you love, awaken the highest from within you, and light the path to freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-03 A Generosity of Presence: Guided Meditation 24:08
When we remember to empty out all the distraction, all the movement, all the roughness of life, nameless, formless, without identity - we touch the shore of truth as waves touch the shores of the ocean, reaching our true home in the fullness of this moment exactly as it is.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-02 That Which Supports the Truth In Us 28:51
There is a fearlessness that we can know, where greed and anger are vanquished. It is a state of equanimity with whatever comes which no one else can pollute, disturb or destroy. There is nothing more difficult - or more noble - for a human being to realize than this indestructible peace of heart. So why would we want to dedicate ourselves to anything less than that? May we realize this precious truth for ourselves and preserve it for the benefit of all beings.
Canmore Theravada Buddhist Community
2013-06-01 Evening Talk; Day 1 - Grow in the Master's Way 32:19
All conditions of this world have the nature to change: the earth, weather, governments, work, health, leisure, family, friendships and so forth. We observe these variations and consider the most critical change of all. It promises the greatest blessing – but first we must plow the interior field of goodness that yields our heart's deliverance. Faithfully, patiently, as we clear away the dust in the mind, the hindrances of greed, ill-will, fear and delusion fall away, and we abide in the clarity, serenity, and joy of the Dhamma.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-05-11 Buddha Positioning System - BPS 25:13
The Buddha gives us a flawless positioning system that will guide us to the coordinates of Truth. That ultimate refuge and peace is not to be known anywhere but in the sanctuary of our own heart. To find our spiritual bearings, we explore our true nature and the real origin of our sufferings. Step by step, our wise friends and daily practice of virtue, mindfulness, heroic forbearance, and faith will reinforce and steady us as we navigate the tempests of life. But this is a journey of great joys as well as trials. Like the hollow reed that becomes a flute, we empty ourselves of fear to be the true love we seek
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Waking Up to the Peace in Our Hearts: Monastic Retreat
2013-05-10 Boundless Metta in Difficult Times - A Guided Loving Kindness Meditation 41:28
We can develop the boundless quality of metta in difficult conditions.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Waking Up to the Peace in Our Hearts: Monastic Retreat

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