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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Gavin Harrison's Dharma Talks
Gavin Harrison
Gavin Harrison died on October 24, 2018, in Seattle, Washington. He was 68. “The realization of our True Nature is the birthright of all of us, and an ever-present possibility. We awaken to the sacred ground of Love, Awareness and Joy that was always there, perhaps unrecognized, yet abiding and full beyond description. This Truth of our Being reveals itself as Simple Silence, Infinite Wisdom and Boundless Compassion. The teachings and poetry of Awakening are invitations into the Truth of our Being. By neither bypassing nor transcending our humanness, but embracing it fully, the Love we are flowers and extends across the immensity of time and space touching the greatest and smallest of things.”
2001-10-13 Courage, Forgiveness And Acceptance 60:06
In an era of terrorism, vengeance and a thirsting for enemies, the practice of insight meditation offers the possibility of a trustworthy and transformative response to the heartbreak of these times. Following the talk is a guided forgiveness meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: In Response to September 11
2001-09-19 In Response to September 11 7:25:54
with Gavin Harrison, Jack Kornfield, James Baraz, John Travis, Larry Rosenberg, Narayan Helen Liebenson, Robert K. Hall
2001-08-04 Passion, Freedom, and the Present Moment 52:23
2000-12-09 Beyond the Grip of Fear, Part 3 of 3 66:36
2000-12-09 Beyond the Grip of Fear, Part 2 of 3 1:32:47
2000-12-09 Beyond the Grip of Fear, Part 1 of 3 64:29
1999-11-13 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 4 of 4 20:27
1999-11-13 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 3 of 4 1:33:29
1999-11-01 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 2 of 4 1:23:59
1999-11-01 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 1 of 4 1:32:59

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